Wednesday, March 24, 2021

The Magnificent Food Truck

This week the middle school engaged in the food truck experience to celebrate the math week.  Integrated approach alongside the New Windsor Way competencies such as collaboration and creativity were at the core of our learning.  The students absolutely loved being in charge of this process. After listening to Khalid about his own journey into small business ownership, they've created their logos, menus  posters, food items and most of all, their food trucks.  The open-ended recycling materials were given. It was wonderful to observe the children taking the ownership of their learning. There were a few bumps on the way, after all, it's natural that most wanted to be in charge. Encouragement,  sharing ideas, including others was a big learning step for some children. The trucks are ready to be open for business tomorrow 
after three days of preparations.  Watch this space...


1 comment:

  1. Yum, yum, yum! I'm so sad I didn't get to see you in action this week, Room 18. Save me some chocolate waffles, cherry ice-cream, fish fingers, delicious burgers and more!
    Remember to be kind to one another <3
