Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Drumming Success

Over the last few weeks we've been giving music a go. The school purchased PasifiKa lali drums and a music programme to follow with. The children enjoyed following basic beats and learning more about Pasifika pefrorming arts. After having our turn with the lali drums we started to turn some tins into our class drums. At the same time we started to explore our technology project, Minion planters. The children drew their Minions. From talking we decided to turn our tin drums into Minion drums! Then we decide to label our Minions and write about them. Everyone wanted to make Minion drums so a lego Minion challenge was set. It was clear that Marko was a challenge leader. The Minion craze helped the new children settle in quickly and the whole class had a great week. 

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Back to School

We welcomed our new five year old student, who's been settling in this week. It was great to see all the children back with some exciting holiday stories. 
Settling to school with the help of self-directed play
Making posters

Holiday stories

Reading holiday story to Mum

Holiday story

Independent spelling work